Monday, January 30, 2012

An introduction

Hello! My name is Deb. I am married to a wonderful man, David, and have three wonderful children, Hannah, Emma, and Joel.  I have worked for a major discount retailer for a while now, but recently quit.  It's the first time I have quit a job to pursue a dream.  In the past, if I was sick of working somewhere I just said "Adios", and then found something else. You see, I've been so lucky. My husband earns a good living and has always been able to support us without any help from me. So basically, I only ever worked because I was bored at home.

What is this dream you ask?  I want to turn my little 2 acres of suburban heaven into a farm, of sorts. Well, the real dream is to relocate to many acres of rural heaven. This is my test run. Seem a little extreme? I think so, but the heart wants what the hearts wants. I dream of a homestead with lots of animals...goats, chickens, pigs, cats, dogs, geese, and llamas. No cows, though. One tried to kill me when I was little and I've never gotten over it. On my homestead will be row after row of the most delicious fruits and veggies, all organic, of course. I will also grow lots of herbs. Not only for cooking, but for curing. I believe that God gave us everything we need to live happy healthy lives without the use of man-made chemicals.

 Did I mention bees? No? Well, I want to have bees, bees, and more bees.  They are my favorite creatures.  I love everything about them. Not to mention bee products are so heathly.  They are the reason I named my blog "Plan Bee". It's also the name of future farm. I can't take credit for it though, I saw it in a Winnie the Pooh book. But I thought the word play was cute, and perfectly fitting.

I'm not a complete greenhorn. I grew up on a small organic hobby farm.  Although, I did not appreciate it then, I am so glad for the experience now.  It made me openminded, easygoing, and very aware of enviromental issues that were (and still are) largely ignored in my part of the country. Which, by the way, is Western Kentucky.  The way my dad did things was either very progressive or very old fashion, depending on whom you asked. I like to think he was brave, saying no to convenience in favor of health.

When I told my husband my dream, I expected him to laugh, but he was on board right away.  We are so like minded, I should have known he'd love the idea as much as myself.  We've kept a small garden off and on through the years, but we mostly just help out at my folks place.

So the plan this year is to have a large garden with fruits, veggies, and herbs. We will also keep bees and maybe a few chickens.  I will also start canning, drying, and freezing, making jams and herbal mixes for medicine. It's going to be an adventure and I know hard, but I think my family is worth every bit of it.  When I look at how fat and unhappy most americans are it scares me. I see all the chemicals we are ingesting daily and want to scream.  I don't want that future for my kids or their kids.

My hope for this blog is that maybe at first I'll get some advice or make you laugh.  Then eventually maybe I'll be the one to give advice. Always, I hope to make you laugh. You won't catch me making fun of others, but I love to make fun of myself! I can definitly see the potential humor in all of this.

Plan A wasn't working out so well...let's see how Plan Bee goes!